Dear Sailors and Friends, First of all, I am very happy to inform you that the Europe Class is welcome to the Christmas Race in Palamos and the 2006 Princess Sofía Trophy in Palma, both women and men. They have always been great regattas with a lot of sailors, good races and lots of fun. So go there and have a wonderful time. I was very happy to see that a lot of new young sailors took part in the Europeans in Helsinki and the Youth Europeans in Tönsberg. A big welcome to you all. That really gives good hope for the future. Many congratulations to the prize winners and our new Champions. We had great Worlds in China our first ones to take place in Asia. I hope that it will be a start of a big Europe fleet in Asia. I am sure you will hear much more about the Worlds in Rizhao from your friends who were there.
Best regards. Jan Abrahamsen President IECU
IECU DEVELOPMENT MEETING NJK Club House, Helsinki, Finland July 8 2005
International Europe Class Union President Jan Abrahamsen opened the meeting by welcoming all participants and stating the importance of hearing what the sailors want. Written comments to proposed development issues and new proposals had been received in advance by 4 countries: USA, Finland, Austria and Denmark. 1. Europe Class Olympic status The Class will apply.
2. Europe Class World Ranking IECU Executive submission to AGM. A new World Ranking System will be tested for the 2005-2006 season. Exact rules will be handed separately to the members.
3. Entry quotas for major events Many opinions have been expressed during the meeting. IECU Executive submission to AGM: a) Leave it as it now. 10 boys + 10 girls upgrade to Championship b) 30% of participating not qualified sailors on Open Weekupgrade to Championship. Minimum 10 + 10. Max. per Nation is National Quota in the Championship. c) 50% of participating not qualified sailors on Open Weekupgrade to Championship. Minimum 10 + 10. Max. per Nation is National Quota in the Championship. d) Same as points 2 and 3 but with NO max. limit per Nation.
4. Hull tolerances IECU Executive Submission to AGM To delete Class Rule 3.2.9 (b)
5. IECU Nations’ Trophy We will try the system in accordance with the original IECU proposal.
6. IECU Best Sailor of the Year IECU proposal is OK for everybody. The Rookie award was also considered OK. It will be awarded after the Worlds 2006.
7. Other issues · The Notice of Race for the WC 2006 in Copenhagen was distributed. It was informed that the insurance requirements had been lowered to 0,5 mil. US dollars. · BEL + NED are applying for the Worlds in 2007. The application was distributed to the participants in the meeting. · FIN had in their written answer to the IECU proposals raised the question of changing the name of the Europe Dinghy to something less “regional” as an effort to get more support in other regions than Europe.
Bexhill on Sea SC hosted the 2005 UK Nationals, and this being the first Nationals since de-selection from the Olympic’s, the entry of 21 boats, the highest it has been for a number of years was very pleasing and showed the Class in not dead. This was really down to both the Class Association and Bexhill SC ensuring that the event attracted as many UK Europe clubs sailors as possible – there are many out there who are not aspiring Olympian’s but enjoy racing a boat suit’s a wide weight, height and age range. Saturday unfortunately brought a stiff force 5 on shore breeze, which made it impossible to launch safely from the beach, and whilst the Race Officer sat on station for most of the day waiting for conditions to improve, eventually racing was abandoned for the day. This did not stop one intrepid Europe sailor, who will now always be known as “Suicide” Dave Kent, from taking to the water and having a blast with a safety rib trying to keep up! Despite many catchers awaiting his return to the shore they still missed him with the result that boat and sailor were dumped onto the beach to the amusement of the assembled crowd. With the side show over, the fleet retired and watched the Town’s Carnival parade along the sea front – a very civilised end to the day ! After the storm came the calm, and Sunday dawned with a light force 2/3 westerly. To ensure a Championship was undertaken, four races were planned for the day. The fleet were a little too eager to get underway, and Race 1 saw three boats OCS, including the retiring chairman Robert Laurie and incoming chairman Richard Eagleton. James Eynon lead from start to finish in the light airs, closely followed by a new Europe youth sailor, Fergal Finlay who finished second in his first Europe event. Katie Mapplebeck who had recently returned from the European Championships, finished third. With dark clouds coming down the Chammel, by the start of Race 2, the winds had freshened to a force 4, and a step chop. This change in conditions suited some of the older and more experienced Europe sailors, and Robert Laurie lead for the majority of the race only to be caught by James Eynon on the final run, with Tobin Dennis using his local knowledge in third. Race 3 was a repeat of race 2 with Eynon and Laurie, only yards apart all the way round, but out a head of the fleet, but with “Suicide” Dave Kent improving with his boat handling in third. With three straight wins, Eynon was therefore crowned 2005 National Champion. With an increase wind and tired bodies, a slightly depleted field started the final Race 4. Again Eynon and Laurie powered out ahead, opening up a sizeable lead to third placed Peter Ruff, who battled hard with Suicide Dave.
RESULTS: 1. James Eynon Weston SC 3 pts 2. Robert Laurie Dabchicks SC 6 pts 3. Peter Ruff Weston SC 12 pts
Junior Champion: Fergal Finlay Brading Heaven YC 1st Lady Katie Mapplebeck Ogston SC 1st Veteran Ian Stow Weston SC Robert Laurie
45 sailors, 8 women and 37 men, have been sailing this year the Veteran Cup representing 7 countries: BEL, CZE, DEN, ESP, FRA, GER and POL. It is marvellous to see that our Class had the pleasure and proud to see Europe lovers from 31 to 77 years of age !! Here are the results after 7 races: 1. DEN2 Johnsen Soren SSK 2. FRA900 Pieter van Laer Cispa Calais 3. FRA5463 Séverine Blondet CVESQ 5. GER1281 Anja Fiedler TSVS 6. POL69 Ryszard Polaczyk AZS Poznan 7. POL9 Janusz Knasiecki ZLKS 8. POL66 Anna Witczak ZLKS Poznan 9. POL25 Jerzy Sztyk GZKS Sosnica Gliwice 10.FRA5548 Patrick Chevalier YC Chalon sur Saône
In Austria we are going to finish the season in 2 weeks time. As weather was not that hot this year we had a lot of thermic wind and therefore wonderful regattas. Here the two most important: At the end of June we had our National Championship, 9 races with strong wind (one day up to more than 30 kn). About 20 Europes found their way to lake Neusiedl. It was the first time all Olympic Classes and Europe Class had together their National Championship. The organisor used this event as a test event for the ISAF WC 2006. 1. AUT 124 Alice Fritsch UYCAs 2. AUT 101 Eva-María Schimak UYCNs 3. AUT 17 Peter Styblo SAF
After this bigger event we had time to relax with only two regattas counting for the national ranking list, before the Austrian Youth Championship started. Strong wind at the beginning and no wind at the end leaded to 7 races and 3 new Champions:
1.AUT 101 Eva-María Schimak UYCNs 2. AUT 125 Veronika Beurle UYCAs 6. AUT 131 Martin Gisch YC Thank to all sailors from abroad that attended this regatta ! Well, season is nearly over. We are going to have some trainings in autumn and winter in nearby Slovenia, Croatia and France. Surprising have been the big fleets we had this year. Even more than the last years. We are looking forward having lot of sailors next year. And we hope that some of our young sailors will also go to bigger international regattas. All the best for the end of the season! Many thanks and greetings to our friends abroad! Alice Fritsch Treasurer of the Austrian EC Association
First of all, I want to thank all the finish organization team and particularly Tina who has been so nice with all of us and who has made the championship a good one, even if the wind conditions were not very good for some of us. As we are talking about the European Championship which has been held in Helsinki (FIN) this year, we can say that for the French team, it has been a very difficult championship. Only one French man succeeded in being in the gold fleet (I think it has never happened before). But which guy? Thomas Ribeaud, a young sailor of us. It was his first sailing year on Europe dinghies and he was very good. He finally finished 11th after being 2nd and 3rd during the race. Congratulations to him and thank you to his father who has accepted to drive the French motor boat. There was also the European Youth Championship next. Thomas made well again. The French team was more-less young but results were not as good as expected for everybody. We hope it will be better next year. Then for 10 of our sailors and 10 German sailors, there was a one week training together in France, in Pareloup. According to coaches and sailors, it was a good experience. This training week was held before our National summer race at the same place. Not only sailing was the purpose but also some other activities like walking. The National summer race, as we’re talking about it, was a sympathetic regatta with a lot of foreigners 10 Germans, 10 Spanish guys and a Belgian girl. The sailors made 9 races in different weather conditions: 4 in medium winds, 3 in strong winds and 1 in slight winds. In Poland, for the World Veteran Cup, 13 French sailors moved and two of them were on the podium. Pieter was second after the nearly untouchable Soren Johnsen and Séverine was third (and first woman for the second year). If I say “nearly untouchable”, it is because Soren won all the races except 2 which were won by Pieter and Séverine. A lot of French guys made well and had a lot of fun. What a wonderful race! Now, let’s talk about the future. In October/November, our National fall race will be held in Biscasrosse, South-West of France. It will begin on October 28th and finish on November 1st. As it is every year, it will be our most important race of the year if you consider the number of participants with at least 100/120 boats expected. We also expect to see a lot of foreigners for this race which take place in a very pleasant environment. We hope to see you. Antoine Préveaux FRA 5579 (iPécador)
More than fifty sailors, driven by the enthusiasm and passion for sailing and for the Europe dinghy, participated in the selection regattas to decide who will represent Italy in the most important events. Various simultaneous events and national engagements, could not make possible the participation of all the selected sailors to the most important regattas abroad. The participation to the Youth European Championship has been total which shows a big interest for the youth events. Discreet has been the participation to the European Championship and limited the one to the Worlds in China. Because for this last one, the difficult organization for the participating team, the trip and its security were substantial. The distance to the Worlds venue, the non-easy communications, the participation charges and the trip expenses made very complicated the participation of the 16 selected sailors. The expenses have been assumed mainly by the Italian Sailing Federation and the ASSEUROPA. The cost of these events will be always more complicated. We should take it into account and make it lighter to the athlete to ease a major necessary interchange between the athletes from all countries. Expectation to know the IECU new norms and indications for the Class national and international activities. The climate and the atmosphere that you can feel in the Class are always present and the enthusiasm is there also because you may notice the IECU attention to an up-to-date competitive activity. Very soon the ASSEUROPA will present the 2006 calendar. It will not be much different than the 2005 one regarding number of regattas or events. There will be 6 selection regattas with at least 30 races. An Italian Championship and the participation to the Worlds and European Championships are part of the 2006 competitions’ season. The training and formation of the youngest as well is planed. Much attention will be given to the European Championship which will take place in Marsala. Claudio Morana ASSEUROPA President
It is the winter season here so not much sailing is being done except by a few hardy folk, but a lot of buying & selling is being done. So far 6 good quality boats, several carbon masts and sails have all been sold from the North Island, to update the South Islanders ageing equipment. It will be interesting to see when the fleet sails together if all this good gear will be making us any faster. Tom Arthur
Hi Friends. I wish to comment you that it is quite probable that next year we organize the Europe Class Southamerican Championship in Argentina (Mar del Plata o Capital Federal, to be confirmed). Right now we are organising everything, looking for help and surely in next E_News edition you will read all the details. Any sailor from any country may enter this Southamerican Championship as this competition will be Open. You’ll be able as well to find information on the Championship at www.aacie.cjb.net our site. As soon as I’ll obtain all the dates there will be a Championship’s link in that web. I wish you good winds. Alfredo Bafico Trench President AACIE (Asociación Argentina Clase Internacional Europa)
1. FIN 1 Maria Saarikalio 24 2. DEN 1 Signe Livbjerg 28 3. FIN 8 Nina Ramm-Schmidt30 4. FIN 7 Sari Multala 30 5. SWE 3551 Rebecka Harding 31 6. FIN 811 Teemu Rantanen 39 7. DEN 33 Anna Livbjerg 42 8. FIN 5 Krista Olander 43 9. SWE 9 Anton Dahlberg 46 10. DEN 50 Lasse Juhl 53
EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS The NJK Klub welcomed 135 Europe sailors ( 65 women and 70 men) A total of 10 races were sailed.
WOMEN Final Results 14 countries were represented: BEL, CZE, DEN, ESP, FIN, FRA, GBR, GER, ITA, MEX, NOR, POL, SLO and SWE.
1. DEN 1 Signe Livbjerg 13 Gold Medal and European Champion 2. FIN 7 Sari Multala 16 Silver Medal 3. SWE 16 Sandra Sandqvist 38 Bronze Medal 4. FIN 8 Nina Ramm-Schmidt 45 5. MEX 200 Tania Elias Calles 60 6. ITA 1159 Arianna Bogatec 61 7. FIN 1 Maria Saarikallio 76 8. SWE 3351 Rebecka Harding 78 9. FIN 6 Jasmine Lehtonen 82 10.ITA 1135 Francesca Komatar 94
MEN 11 countries represented: BEL, CZE, DEN, ESP, FIN, FRA, GER, ITA, NED, NOR and SWE.
1. FIN 811 Teemu Rantanen 45 Gold Medal and European Champion 2. SWE 9 Anton Dahlberg 49 Silver Medal 3. DEN 50 Lasse Juhl 50 Bronze Medal 4. DEN 3 Kim Braad Carlsen 56 5. DEN 24 Jakob Ege Friis 57 6. SWE 70 Erik Öhrn 60 7. NOR 353 Jonathan Staubo 61 8. SWE 6 Sebastian Östling 61 9. ITA 1167 Tommaso Pelosini 66 10.SWE 3549 Filip Bolmgren 68
As the Open Week in Helsinki came closer the grounds of the NJK yacht club started to look more like a camp ground than a yacht club. As the organizers were running with last minute arrangements, the poor sailors in tents were having a hard time keeping themselves dry in cold and wet weather. 69 sailors, women and men together and divided into two groups, competed for the Open Week title. The first day of sailing wasn’t very good. Variable winds and strong rain showers put an end to the first day’s sailing with only one completed race. When we came ashore in the heavy rain the warm sauna was waiting, which most sailors found very relaxing. For the second day the sun came out and two races were completed in both groups. The nice weather continued on through the third day and three races were completed. The fleet was then divided into a gold fleet and a silver fleet for the two final races. The nice and warm weather we all in Finland had wished and hoped for came after all, but unfortunately with quite light and unstable winds too. You will find the Open week full results at www.njk.fi/ecec2005 During the European Championship measurement days the weather got even warmer and reached almost 30 degrees, not very common in Finland. The Europeans started in very light and unreliable winds. 70 men competed divided into two groups, whereas the 65 women competed in only one group. On the men’s racing area one race was completed during the first racing day, but at the women’s course almost a total lack of winds resulted in no completed races. Only 15 year old Teemu Rantanen from Finland took a first place in the first group and Joost van Lingen from Holland won the second group. During day 2 Sari showed her strength by taking a first place in all three races, tightly followed by Tania Elias Calles (3,2,2) from Mexico and Signe Livbjerg (2,4,3) from Denmark. Among the men Danish Lasse Juhl won both starts in his group and took the overall lead after day two. Mark Paris from Spain and Thomas Ribeaud from France won each one start in the other men’s group. During day three both Sari and Signe won one start each, and Signe climbed to the second over all position. On the men’s course Lasse Juhl took another first place, whereas Tommaso Pelosini from Italy succeded to win both starts in his group. Also Thomas from France finished once again first. During the final three days the light winds continued under a very stable high pressure above southern Finland. Signe Livbjerg came strongly during the two following days winning Sari by one position in both races Day 4 and also finishing in front of Sari in both races Day 5. Among the men Ivan Moreno from Spain took the first race victory and Teemu the second in the gold fleet Day 4, whereas Lasse Juhl had a bad Day 4 (14 and 32). From a Finnish point of vue the last championship day was to be very exciting with a lead position both in the women’s fleet and the men’s gold fleet. Sari and Signe started their final day from a one point difference in favor of Sari. Sari didn’t however succeed to keep Signe behind. Signe took the lead from the very beginning and finished first. Sari got a bad start and was 10th on the finishing line. Also the fight for the bronze medal became interesting. Was Ninna Ramm-Schmidt from Finland able to take a 6 points advantage on Sandra Sandqvist from Sweden ? Although Ninna kept her 3rd position after Signe and her little sister Anna Livbjerg, she couldn’t keep Sandra from climbing up to 4th position and taking the overall 3rd place. At the men’s course anything could still happen when the men (and boys) took their last race start. Teemu had great difficulties in the wind that had picked up quite a lot and finally finished as the last one in the gold fleet, but Lasse didn’t do much better finishing as the second last. This gave Teemu the gold medal. Anton Dahlberg from Sweden however made a good final race finishing 3rd and taking the silver in front of Lasse, who dropped to bronze place. The Prize Giving Ceremony was held at NJK’s other club harbor on an island in front of the Market Square and the President’s Palace in the heart of Helsinki. But before the Prize Giving Ceremony all medallists were taking an unvoluntary bath in the NJK harbor at the Race Center after being sprayed with champagne... The local media, press, radio and TV, followed the events very closely and gave a very good coverage on three TV-channels and in many news papers. Later in July a half hour summary of the championship was sent on the main TV channel. Mainly due to the holiday season when all Finns disappear to the archipelago to secret whereabouts, but also due to many other sailing events taking place at the same time as the Open Week and the IECU European Championship, the organizing was a huge challenge for NJK. But for those who had dedicated their time for months and years in the planning process and for those active during the event it was very rewarding to see all those talanted, both younger and older sailors, men and women compete evenly. The youngest participant was 12 years old and the oldest around 40 years. It was a privilege to be able to arrange a championship for the International Europe Class and it was a pleasure to welcome so many sailors to our home club. We thank the IECU officials present for their expertise and all their help, and we thank all the sailors and their supporters for wanting to visit Finland and Helsinki and for trusting NJK with the hosting of International Europe Class European Championship 2005. I hope to see you all in Finland again in a near future! Kathe Ramm-Schmidt Europe Class Finland
Tonsberg Seilforening welcomed a total of 185 young Europe sailors.This is a RECORD ! 2004 150 sailors 2003 164 sailors 2002 184 sailors
Our youngest gave us a good surprise and have proved that our youth participation is strong and that the future of the Europe Class is promising. 91 young women represented 15 countries: BEL, CRO, CZE, DEN, ESP, FIN, FRA, GER, GRE, ITA, NOR, POL POR, SLO and SWE.
Final Results – 9 races sailed – discards: 2 1. DEN 6 Sarah Bregendahl 25 Gold Medal and Youth European Champion 2. DEN 4 Maiken Schütt 40 Silver Medal 3. GER 1418 Sarah Leinert 41 Bronze Medal 4. SWE 3551 Rebecka Harding 47 5. BEL 928 Lien De bie 47 6. SWE 15 Lisa Ericson 49 7. SWE 3390 Cathrine Andersson 65 8. SWE 3541 Sofia Brander 66.8 9. FIN 5 Krista Olander 68 10. DEN 33 Anna Livbjerg 71
94 young men represented 13 countries: BEL, CRO, CZE, DEN, ESP, FIN, FRA, GER, GRE, ITA, NOR, POR and SWE.
1. SWE 3567 Victor Bergström 29 Gold Medal and Youth European Champion 2. NOR 391 Stian Tuv 46 Silver Medal 3. SWE 3549 Filip Bolmgren 48 Bronze Medal 4. DEN 5 Mikkel Bonde 49 5. SWE 3490 Marcus Dackhammar 52 6. SWE 3485 Emil Cedergardh 56 7. CRO 69 Josip Krsanac 64 8. DEN 1626 Rune Larsen 72 9. SWE 99 Erik Malmberg 77 10.NOR 353 Jonathan Schjott Staubo 81
WORLDS AND OPEN WEEK IN RIZHAO - CHINA 26 August - 9 September Rizhao is situated on the Shandong Peninsula on the Yellow Sea. There is a saying about Rizhao "It was the first to get the sunshine". WC WOMEN FINAL RESULTS 1. CHN 107 ShenXiaoying 24 Gold Medal and 2005 World Champion 2. CHN 83 LuLianhua 25 Silver Medal 3. MEX 1 Tania Elias Calles 32 Bronze Medal 4. CHN 106 XuLijia 36 5. CHN 14 ShenHuanqi 42 6. CHN 101 LuChunfeng 48 7. ITA 1159 Arianna Bogatec 55 8. CHN 48 SuZhen 56 9. CHN 8 ZhouJuying 70 10.CHN 19 FanHuiyu 104 WC MEN FINAL RESULTS 1. ESP 666 Jesús Rogel Sánchez 28 Gold Medal and 2005 World Champion 2. CHN 1 JiangLinhua 31 Silver Medal 3. GER 100 Sven Stadel 46 Bronze 4. ITA 1157 Riccardo Pissedu 47 5. DEN 88 Thorbjorn Schierup 49 6. DEN 3 Kim Braad Carlsen 54 7. DEN 12 Carsten Heltborg 55 8. DEN 24 Jakob Ege Friis 57 9. ITA 10 Alessandro Durante 59 10.ITA 1167 Tommasso Pelosini 62
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