![]() TECHNICAL Let's open a discussion about the rules changings (or ideas) you would like to propose for 2007. If you have any, could you please send them to Frans van Pelt (frans.vanpelt@skynet.be) or Niki Nocke (niki.nocke@web.de). |
TAKE NOTE 2007 VETERAN CUP 25-28 August CLUB FLUVIA LA GOLA (Bahía de Rosas - Girona - www.fluvia-gola.com very soon the NR (english version) will be on the web. 2007 ALOIS ROLAND TROPHY Platte-taille Cerfontaine (near 7-8 July www.aloisrolandtrophy.org/fra/topic/index.html
![]() FROM THE CZECH REPUBLIC I send you our 2007 calendar of the most important regattas in our country. Calendar was approved on 25.11.06. These regattas are classified in the competition as CUP of the Czech Europe Class Association. In each regatta not less than 35 boats will be sailing. There is a very kind and friendly atmosphere. Everybody is warm welcomed. Great Regards. Alex Pacek Czech For all the information about our regattas please take contact with: cze13502@centrum.cz Date Venue 4-6/5/07 Pálavská Regatta Home Credit Nové Mlýny 12-13/5/07 Jarni premiéra I. Rozkos 9-10/6/07 Cena Sumavy Lipno 30-31/6/07 Silhánkuv Memoriál Velké Dárko 31/8-2/9/07 Cere Regatta Lipno 15/9/07 Cena YC Tusimice Nechranice CZECH 28-30/9/07 C.E.C.C. Nové Mlýny
![]() FROM THE USA Six Saturday was overcast and threatened rain which never materialized, but the front responsible for the dramatic skies did deliver some strong shifty breeze, and kicked up some fairly large chop to make for challenging racing conditions. The RC decided to test the mettle of the fleets by sending us off on a 3 times around (!) course first thing in the morning, which was a little tough on some of the newcomers. This resulted in four races being sailed Saturday instead of the planned upon five. Sunday the sun was shining and the bay had flattened out and an additional four races were held in a moderate to light breeze. The sailors had a stunning view of Mount Baker, one of 1. Susannah Carr 2. Angus Brackett 3. Tanya Haddad 4. Lisa Marsaudon 5. Sarah Kenote 6. Annika Mizuta Have a look to www.byc.org/photos/BBOD06 , you'll see boats and beautiful landscapes. Susannah Carr USA
FROM ARGENTINA This is our 2007 calendar. Please take contact with me for any further information. 7-8-9-10 February YCA Semana de 1st 2007 Worlds qualification 23-24-25 February YCO Pre Olimpico 3-4-10-11 March CVB Vela Dorada 14-15-21-22 April YCA Torneo de Otoño 2nd 2007 Worlds qualification 21-22-28-29 April 26-27 May CNSI Campeonato 2-3 June CNSI Campeonato 23-24-30 June YCA Corbeta Patagón 1 July YCA Corbeta Patagón 11-12 August CUBA Semana de Nuñez 8-9-15-16 22-23-29 September YCO Grand Prix Cerrato 13-14-15 20-21 October YCA Semana de Buenos Aires 2007
![]() FROM THE EDITOR "Ciutat de Palma Trophy - 6/10 December 06 The Europe had its space in the Magna Room (Real Club Nautico de Palma) and we had the pleasure to attend the visit of Optimist sailors" copyright Nico Martinez Content and what you as readers would like to see included in the E-News is welcomed. Would be welcomed as well all data changes of your National Europe Class.
![]() Total number of sailors in the ranking list 29.11.2006: 775 Top ten: 1 FIN 6 Lehtonen,Jasmine 2 FIN 77 Jouni Kokko 3 FIN 5 Olander Krista 4 FIN 809 Joonas Lindahl 5 DEN 1717 Michael Hansen 6 FIN 769 Benjamin Grönholm 7 DEN 14 Josefine Boel Rasmussen 8 CZE 91 Teplý Viktor 9 ESP 586 CODINACHS, ADRIÀ 10 DEN 1713 BENDIX, MADS Please continue sending your results to: info@europeclass.org Please continue sending your results to: info@europeclass.orgIf you find errors or sailors twice on the list, please report immediately to: info@europeclass.org Complete details about the 2006-2007 SCORING SYSTEM at www.europeclass.org |
![]() WORKING COMMITTEE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CLASS Dear All, At the AGM in Skovshoved, Europe Class Denmark (ECD) proposed (see below) to start a Working Committee to look into the development of the Class. The AGM decided to follow the proposal. The Working Group will start this autumn and will be facilitated by me Povl Friis, President of the Europe Class in Denmark. The group will communicate its work via internet either by www.europeclass.dk or www.europeclass.org To start the work we need the name, telephone number and e-mail addresses of all the persons from the National Class Organisations or other persons interested in this very important and exciting work, please all send this information to povl.friis@mail.dk . We would also like to have all your ideas and thoughts on the Class as well. ECD also proposed to work with rule 42. The AGM decided that all the National Classes within the coming year and in due time before the next AGM – should try to use the Danish proposal in one or more regattas (the proposal includes changes on rule 42 and avoiding using the pump elastic). It is very important that you all try this and send your experiences and observations to povl.friis@mail.dk Looking forward to hear from you. Povl Friis The Danish proposal on Working Groups During the last year we have in Denmark in the Class organisation, among sailors – trainers, sailmakers, etc. had a lot of very constructive discussions about the future development of our wonderful boat the Europe. It is evident for us that we have a lot of possibilities on the Class rules, technical development of the boat and the “gear”, the format of int. competitions, the Constitution of IECU, etc. Further on we find it very important that the Class gets a better foothold throughout the world. We do however not think that the AGM is the right forum to take these discussions in ! We find that the time used for discussions and the format itself are insufficient. It is therefore our proposal that the AGM decides that the Board of the Int. Europe Class should form – control – and support one or more Working Groups to come up with future initiatives for the Class. The Working Groups members should be broad and consist of sailors, trainers, boatbuilders, sailmakers, rule experts, the board, etc. The mandate for Groups should be clarified at the AGM. Following above mentioned work, the coming year will result in a transition period where everybody should be prepared for and ready to major changes. In this coming year we should be very careful not to take any decision at the AGM which can block the future development of the Class. Reg. Rule 42 experimentMany discussions take place regarding the handling of rule 42. |
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